



1. 发展 – development

2. 经济 – economy

3. 社会 – society

4. 文化 – culture

5. 教育 – education

6. 科技 – technology

7. 环境 – environment

8. 能源 – energy

9. 人口 – population

10. 城市化 – urbanization

11. 农业 – agriculture

12. 工业 – industry

13. 服务业 – service industry

14. 贸易 – trade

15. 投资 – investment

16. 合作 – cooperation

17. 竞争 – competition

18. 全球化 – globalization

19. 信息时代 – information age

20. 互联网 – Internet

21. 电子商务 – e-commerce

22. 创新 – innovation

23. 知识产权 – intellectual property rights

24. 旅游业 – tourism

25. 健康 – health

26. 医疗 – healthcare

27. 养老 – pension

28. 社会保障 – social security

29. 城市化率 – urbanization rate

30. GDP – Gross Domestic Product

31. GNP – Gross National Product

32. 通货膨胀 – inflation

33. 失业率 – unemployment rate

34. 贫困线 – poverty line

35. 中产阶级 – middle class

36. 贫富差距 – wealth gap

37. 社会福利 – social welfare

38. 劳动法 – labor law

39. 个人所得税 – personal income tax

40. 企业所得税 – corporate income tax

41. 增值税 – value-added tax (VAT)

42. 消费税 – consumption tax

43. 关税 – tariff

44. 货币政策 – monetary policy

45. 财政政策 – fiscal policy

46. 股市 – stock market

47. 房地产市场 – real estate market

48. 外汇储备 – foreign exchange reserves

49. 人民币国际化 – internationalization of the Chinese currency (RMB)

50. 一带一路倡议 – Belt and Road Initiative

51. 人工智能 – artificial intelligence (AI)

52. 机器人技术 – robotics technology

53. 可再生能源 – renewable energy

54. 气候变化 – climate change

55. 生物多样性 – biodiversity

56. 可持续发展 – sustainable development

57. 绿色生活 – green living

58. 环保意识 – environmental awareness

59. 低碳经济 – low-carbon economy

60. 节能减排 – energy conservation and emission reduction

61. 水资源管理 – water resource management

62. 土地利用规划 – land use planning

63. 城市规划 – urban planning

64. 交通拥堵 – traffic congestion

65. 公共交通 – public transportation

66. 高速公路 – expressway/freeway

67. 高铁网络 – high-speed rail network

68. 航空业 – airline industry

69. 物流业 – logistics industry

70. 电子商务平台 – e-commerce platform

71. 移动支付 – mobile payment

72. 共享经济 – sharing economy

73. 在线教育 – online education

74. 远程办公 – remote work/telecommuting

75. 社交媒体 – social media

76. 网络安全 – cybersecurity

77. 个人隐私保护 – personal privacy protection

78. 数据安全 – data security

79. 数字鸿沟 – digital divide

80. 虚拟世界 – virtual world/virtual reality (VR)

81. 电子竞技 – electronic sports (eSports)

82. 无人机技术 – unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology

83. 生物技术 – biotechnology

84. 基因编辑技术 – gene editing technology (e.g. CRISPR)

85. 新能源车辆 – new energy vehicles (NEVs)

86. 电动汽车充电桩 – electric vehicle charging station (EVCS)

87. 太阳能发电系统 – solar power generation system

88. 风能发电系统 – wind power generation system

89. 海洋能发电系统 – ocean energy generation system (e.g. tidal, wave)

90. 核能发电系统 – nuclear power generation system

91. 天然气发电系统 – natural gas power generation system

92. 煤炭发电系统 – coal power generation system

93. 水力发电系统 – hydropower generation system

94. 地热能发电系统 – geothermal power generation system

95. LED照明技术 – LED lighting technology

96. 智能家居设备 – smart home devices (e.g. smart speaker, smart thermostat)

97. AR/VR技术应用 – applications of AR/VR technology (e.g. gaming, training)

98. AI在医疗领域的应用 – applications of AI in healthcare (e.g. medical diagnosis, drug discovery)

99. AI在金融领域的应用 – applications of AI in finance (e.g. fraud detection, investment analysis)



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